Recognizing the importance of humanity's need to live in harmony with nature and in alliance with prosperity and equity, Fundación Rescate Verde implements, assists, and advocates for programs, projects, and initiatives that foster sustainable development by enabling development of the sociocultural identities of the communities. , enhancing the transparency and efficiency of administrative management, promoting the principles of the free market and fostering sustainable development.
Values are the elements that sustain the human being and allow him to integrate with others and his environment. At Green Rescue Foundation, these are our life values:
Commitment to life
Sociocultural strengthening
Proactive thinking
Social conscience
Honesty and integrity
As one of the three priority areas is the comprehensive development and empowerment of women and youth so that they assume their legitimate role in the family and society, all our strategies will be impregnated with this priority.
Organization of community capacity building workshops on issues related to circular economy environment, organic farming practices and project management;
Establishment of socially responsible companies;
Promotion of community organic farming;
Increase awareness of the importance of introducing integrated solid and liquid waste management;
Dissemination of brochures and reports on the activities carried out by the municipal and national authorities related to socio-cultural, ecological and economic issues that affect the communities;
Public promotion activities to promote common interests;
Encourage private companies to buy local products;
Development of training and communication mechanisms to improve the achievement of objectives
Green Rescue Foundation
Green Rescue Foundation strives to be an organization recognized nationally and internationally for its efficiency and commitment in carrying out activities that improve living conditions and generate well-being, promoting social justice and environmental awareness.
Key Objectives
Identify challenges and obstacles to development through policy-relevant research
Influence development policy dialogue
Inform the design of new development projects
Policy Dialogue
Establish and operate an impartial development policy forum
Increase capacities of local stakeholder groups to participate in policy dialogue
Increase capacities of local stakeholder groups for development
Design, implement and evaluate development projects
Mobilize human and financial resources for development projects
The Green Rescue Foundation, established in 1998 by three Costa Ricans concerned about emerging environmental issues, was founded by Miguel Chacón-Vargas, the current President and Executive Director with experience in environmental policy and regulation; Miguel Chacón-Arce (+), a visionary in business development and agriculture; and Humberto Morales-Guzmán (+), a historian and key advisor in Costa Rica's environmental legislation.
Initially, the Foundation focused on protecting vulnerable areas, creating environmental public policies, participating in institutions such as the Guanacaste and Tempisque Conservation Areas, and advising developers and communities.
In recent years, following the passing of two founders and a fire at its Potrero headquarters in 2016, the Foundation, primarily funded by its founders, reduced its activities and reassessed its objectives. In 2019 and 2020, it restructured to focus on three main pillars: Women and Youth Empowerment, Development and Implementation of Technology and Information Systems, and Sustainable Development with an emphasis on Circular Productive Models.
Currently, we are developing environmental restoration and repair models to mitigate the effects of climate change and reverse the degradation of ecosystems and human environmental structures.